How Our Ongoing Services Work


 Our ongoing services follow a cyclical and proactive approach to ensure that your CRM data remains clean, organized, and up-to-date. This process combines continuous data assessment, cleansing, and monitoring to keep your data in top shape over time. The key steps are as follows:
Review Data Condition & User Feedback arrow-icon

We start by regularly assessing the condition of your CRM data and gathering feedback from users. This helps us understand current issues, new data challenges, and any specific needs that arise. By doing this continuously, we ensure that the data stays aligned with your operational goals.


Align Data Quality Rules & Set Standards arrow-icon

Once we understand the current state of your data, we align the necessary data quality rules and set clear standards for your organization. This includes defining proper data formats, addressing data gaps, and ensuring consistency across all CRM records. Setting these standards upfront is critical to maintaining a high level of data quality.


Adjust CRM Configuration arrow-icon

Based on the data quality standards defined in the previous step, we make necessary adjustments to your CRM configuration. This can include modifying mandatory fields in forms, updating workflows, and ensuring that your CRM structure supports your data quality rules. By aligning your CRM settings with the standards, we help your teams work more efficiently and ensure data consistency across all processes.


Set Up Automations arrow-icon

Using advanced tools like Insycle and HubSpot’s Operations Hub, we set up data automations to handle routine cleansing tasks such as deduplication, formatting, and data enrichment. These automations run in the background, continuously maintaining data health without manual intervention, ensuring that your CRM data stays accurate and usable.


Condition Monitoring & Reporting arrow-icon
After implementing the necessary changes and automations, we continuously monitor the health of your CRM data. Reporting frequency depends on your service level:

  • D02 (Business): Monthly reports are provided, giving a detailed overview of data condition, actions taken, and recommendations for further improvement.
  • D01 (Basic): Reporting occurs on a quarterly basis, providing key insights and data health updates.
  • D02 LT (Business Lite): Reporting frequency is customized based on your plan, typically delivered every six months, ensuring regular check-ins without overwhelming your team.


The Impact on Your Operations


Our continuous data management process significantly impacts the efficiency and accuracy of your overall operations. Here’s how:

Improved Decision-Making

With consistently clean and well-organized data, your teams have access to accurate and reliable information. This enables more confident decision-making across sales, marketing, and customer service functions, leading to faster responses and better outcomes.

Operational Efficiency

By automating routine tasks like deduplication, data standardization, and field updates, we eliminate manual, repetitive data maintenance tasks. This frees up your teams to focus on more strategic activities, improving overall productivity and reducing operational bottlenecks.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Clean data allows for more personalized and effective customer engagement. Your sales and marketing teams can trust that the contact and company information they use for campaigns is accurate, leading to better customer interactions and improved conversion rates.

Scalability & Flexibility

As your business grows, so does your data. Our ongoing services ensure that your CRM scales seamlessly, adapting to increased data volumes while maintaining quality. You won’t have to worry about data clutter or inefficiency as your CRM evolves.

Supporting AI Integration

One of the most significant benefits of maintaining clean, high-quality data is its impact on integrating AI-powered tools. Here's how our ongoing services enhance your efforts to integrate AI-based solutions:

AI tools rely on accurate and well-structured data to deliver actionable insights. Machine learning algorithms can only perform effectively when they are fed clean, consistent, and complete data. By maintaining data integrity, we ensure that your AI tools function optimally.

AI thrives on detecting patterns in data to deliver predictive insights. Whether it's forecasting customer behavior, identifying sales opportunities, or flagging potential churn risks, AI tools need clean data to offer meaningful results. Our continuous data management process enhances the value of your AI tools by ensuring they have access to reliable, structured data.

As you integrate AI-driven automations into your CRM processes, having consistently clean data is critical. For example, using AI to trigger marketing workflows, predict lead scores, or recommend next best actions becomes far more accurate and effective when the underlying data is properly managed.

The cyclical nature of our ongoing services means that your CRM data is always up-to-date, which is vital for AI-based systems that learn and improve over time. As the quality of your data improves through ongoing monitoring and adjustment, the performance and accuracy of your AI tools will also increase.


Our Ongoing Service Plans




Ensure your teams have clean data to segment customers and inject more personalization into their campaigns.

Starts at

USD 1,246/mo

Data Assessment



Provide your teams with accurate context to fuel effective conversations and better respond to customer issues.

Starts at

USD 1,985/mo

Data Assessment

 D02 LT   NEW! 

Business Lite

A tailored data management solution ideal for SMEs or larger organizations with low rates of data generation.

Starts at

USD 558/mo

Data Assessment





Provides essential data management for businesses seeking to maintain clean and organized customer records.


What We Do

  • Cleanse
    Remove outdated, incomplete, or irrelevant data from your CRM.
  • Standardize
    Ensure all data fields (names, addresses, phone numbers) follow consistent formats for better reporting and segmentation.



  • Improved Targeting
    Clean, reliable data leads to more precise customer segmentation, enabling more effective and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Consistent Reporting
    Standardized data ensures reports are accurate, making it easier for teams to interpret and use information for decision-making.
  • Optimized AI Tools
    Clean and standardized data enables AI-powered tools to function effectively, providing better customer insights, automating workflows, and improving sales forecasting.





Offers advanced data management to ensure accurate, deduplicated, and organized customer records for businesses needing deeper data control.


What We Do

  • Cleanse
    Regularly remove outdated, incomplete, or invalid data from your CRM.
  • Standardize
    Keep all data fields consistent across the CRM, improving accuracy in reporting and segmentation.
  • Deduplicate
    Identify and merge duplicate records, ensuring a single, accurate customer profile.
  • Associate
    Link related records (contacts, companies, etc.) for a more organized data structure and better insights.


  • Unified Customer View
    Deduplication ensures a single, accurate customer profile, helping teams make better decisions and improving customer interactions.
  • Efficient Data Usage
    Associating records improves workflows and makes retrieving accurate data easier, supporting more efficient operations.
  • Enhanced AI Tools
    With clean, deduplicated, and associated data, AI systems can generate deeper insights, automate more personalized customer interactions, and deliver accurate forecasts and recommendations.

 D02 LT   NEW! 

Business Lite



Provides core data management services at a lighter scale for SMEs or larger businesses with lower data volumes.

What We Do

  • Cleanse
    Regularly remove outdated and incomplete data to maintain accuracy in customer records.
  • Standardize
    Keep data fields consistent across the CRM for easier reporting and analysis.
  • Deduplicate
    Identify and merge duplicate records, ensuring clean, consolidated customer profiles.
  • Associate
    Link related records (e.g., contacts, companies) to improve data structure and workflow efficiency.


  • Cost-Efficient Data Management
    Streamlined data management ensures accurate data without overwhelming resources or complexity.
  • Simplified Operations
    Maintain clean, organized data at a scale appropriate for SMEs or businesses with low data generation, improving CRM performance without excess overhead.
  • AI-Ready Data
    Clean and organized data ensures that AI tools can work effectively, automating tasks, generating accurate insights, and improving customer interactions even at a smaller operational scale.

Smarter Matching with AI

Our ongoing data management services leverage HubSpot’s Breeze Intelligence to continuously enrich your data, enhancing our ability to identify duplicates and inconsistencies. This also keeps your CRM data fresh for better daily performance.

Note: Additional costs may apply for the setup of AI data enrichment integration.

Ensuring your CRM data remains a reliable asset

Our ongoing services provide continuous, expert management of your CRM data, ensuring it remains a valuable, reliable asset that supports your business’s growth and success.


What our Customers are saying


Shoshana Glickman

Marketing Manager

We were very happy with the service!


King White


They did a great job. Very professional.


Kylee Rocher

Marketing Automation

Carlos was incredible to work with! Before working with Binomial, we really struggled with duplicate contacts and accounts with our two CRMs. Carlos helped us create a tailored plan to address our data issues and worked with us in a timely manner to get the job done. Not only did Carlos complete the work efficiently, but he also made sure we understood how he was doing it, so we could maintain processes after the project was over!


Gemma Haggarty_Axesshealth
Gemma Haggarty


It was an absolute pleasure to work with Carlos. He was clear about the work that was needed, kept us updated, and was organised and efficient in his delivery. I'd definitely use Binomial again.



Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ongoing CRM Data Services? arrow-icon
Ongoing CRM Data Services provide continuous management of your HubSpot data. Instead of a one-time cleanup, we offer regular monitoring, cleaning, and optimization of your data to ensure it remains accurate, consistent, and reliable over time. These services are ideal for companies that want to maintain a high level of data quality without the hassle of manual management.
What does your Ongoing Service include? arrow-icon
Our ongoing services include:
  • Regular data assessments to identify any emerging issues (e.g., duplicates, inconsistencies).
  • Automated data cleaning to remove duplicates, fix formatting issues, and standardize data.
  • Continuous monitoring of data health.
  • Custom automations designed to address your specific data needs.
  • Detailed reports showing the actions taken and the status of your data.
How do the different service levels work? arrow-icon

We offer different levels of ongoing services to fit your business needs:

  • D01 Basic: Includes regular data assessments, basic data cleansing, and standardization. Best suited for businesses with smaller data needs.
  • D02 Business: Our most comprehensive service includes everything from D01, plus more complex data operations like deduplication, data association, and custom workflows for businesses with larger data volumes.
  • D02 LT Business Lite: Tailored for small to medium-sized businesses, providing essential data management services with a lower and limited monthly workload.
How does the ongoing service process work? arrow-icon

Our ongoing services follow a proactive approach, find more info here.

Will I be able to review and approve changes before they’re made? arrow-icon

Yes. We operate with full transparency. While many of the day-to-day automations will run based on the templates and workflows we’ve established, you will be notified for any significant changes or adjustments. This allows you to approve major updates before they are implemented.

How do you ensure the security of my data? arrow-icon

Data security is central to our services. We ensure your data is protected through the following measures:

  • Client-Owned Tools: We work on your CRM systems, ensuring that you retain full control and access to your data.
  • Secure Access: We use secure, encrypted connections to access your systems, and only authorized personnel have access to your data.
  • No Unapproved Changes: We do not make changes without your knowledge. Every critical change is approved by you.
  • Data Breach Response: We have a clear Data Breach Response plan in place to address any potential security incidents swiftly and effectively.
Are you responsible for compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA? arrow-icon

No, as the data controller, it is the responsibility of our clients to ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. However, we do everything we can to support your compliance by following data security best practices and using industry-standard tools that comply with these regulations. Additionally, we offer a Data Breach Response Plan as part of our Data Security Plan, ensuring quick action in case of security incidents.

How much does ongoing data management cost? arrow-icon

Our pricing for ongoing services varies depending on the level of service. Final pricing will depend on the complexity of your data and the scope of services required.

Can I adjust my service plan as my needs change? arrow-icon

Yes, our services are designed to be flexible. If your data management needs grow or change, we can adjust your service plan accordingly. Whether you need more automation, additional workflows, or more in-depth reporting, we will tailor the service to fit your business.

What happens if I need support beyond the regular monthly service? arrow-icon

If you require additional support beyond your regular service plan (e.g., special projects, urgent data cleanups), we can provide additional services on demand. Just reach out to our team, and we’ll be happy to assist with any extra requirements.

How do I get started with an ongoing service plan? arrow-icon

Getting started is easy. Simply contact us to schedule an initial consultation. We’ll assess your data, discuss your goals, and help you choose the best service plan for your needs.

Let's Discuss Your Data Needs

Fill out the form below.